Here are some principles to help you organise your computer folders and documents.
Read digital cleaning guides on how to free up space on your computer.
When cleaning your smart device, the following principles may be helpful.
The following principles may be helpful when cleaning and organising your mailbox.
When you filter and click the Sort by button, it is possible to arrange all emails by size and delete useless, large-size emails. This will help you reduce your mailbox size and make it easier to find important items in the future.
Use the search function to find and delete unnecessary emails, such as old invoices or notifications.
Sort emails by subjects or projects into folders.
Check and empty the Junk email and Promotions folder regularly to avoid accumulating unnecessary emails there. If you receive many newsletters that you do not read, consider unsubscribing.
If there are emails that you do not need every day but want to preserve, you may archive them. In the future, you can access them in the Archive folder.
It is important to remember that the purpose of organising your mailbox is not to delete the emails and files that you need but to review the accumulated emails critically and delete anything unnecessary.
See also IT helpdesk guides on How to free up space in Microsoft 365 and How to get more space in Google services.
When cleaning digital environments, the following may be helpful.
Take a look at all the files accumulated in OneDrive, Moodle, BigBlueButton, Mahara and LimeSurvey. Make backup copies of important files. You can store them on external hard drives, cloud platforms or other backup solutions to avoid losing valuable information. Delete any old, outdated or useless files.
Check that all systems and applications are up to date to ensure the security and stability of your environment. Remove unnecessary plugins.
Delete the accounts you no longer use and update the data of necessary accounts.
Review your privacy and security settings for each environment. Make sure that you use strong passwords and two-factor authentication, where possible.
Check access rights to shared files and sites. Remove access rights from people who do not need them.
Please remember that the university’s cloud platform is not intended for storing personal files.